Tuesday, June 28, 2011

life goes on

Since our life comes in package,
You have to take the good with the bad,
Smile with the sad,
Love what you already got,
And remember what you had.
Always forgive but never forget.
Learn from your mistakes but never regret.
People change,
Things go wrong,
But do mind this- life must be goes on.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Plato said,
“Evil is due to lack of knowledge.”

So, obviously I’m not an evil person since right now I’m obtaining and gaining a lot of knowledge.
Kekekekeke  ^___^

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Critique of Pure Reason

Thought without content are empty...
Perception without conceptions are blind...
Understanding can perceive nothing...
The senses can think nothing...
Knowledge arises only from their united action...
~ Immanuel Kant ~

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Money is the root of evil?
Well... I don’t know exactly.
Money really can change people.
That’s the reality.
Since we live in the world of reality not in fantasy land,
We need to admit that.
Money can change a good and talented lawyer into bad person who use his talent in a wrong way.
Money can change a charming and kind fiancée into a bad ass bastard.
Money can change a nice and fine lady into a bitch.
Money can make siblings fight each other.
Money can change a loyal servant into an ass betrayer.
Money can bring a misfortune if we fell deep in love with it.
Money can’t buy happiness.
You might say,
“With money, I can buy everything and make myself happy. Friends and happiness can be bought easily with money.”
Indeed you can do that.
Try buying a friend and you end up find him sick of you and left you behind.
You can buy happiness?
Oh, please. Don’t make me laugh.
Cut the crap. Stop the nonsense.
You’ll end up hurting yourself by pulling your own legs.
If everything can be settle by money,
Then, I might be living in the world full with people who have no pride and dignity.
In life there's are a lot of thing that can't be solved with money.
The question is money is the root of evil?
To me, the answer is NO.
The LUST, GREED and HUNGER of money and power are the real culprit.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

at ease

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders absurdities have crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”

“Thanks. I felt much relieve now. I’m glad having you by my side.”

“I will always be.”