Thursday, December 30, 2010

2 days 1 night...I'm a beauty and I'm a beast..

i've been spending my precious 2 days and 1 night at omma's house together with my stepsisters..lalalalalalalala..just kidding..(mampus aku kne pasni)..anyway..we had spent a 
good time together eventhough omma make us  her slave..lalalalalalalala..ziera n I cooks 4 all of us..while waan just sit comfortably waiting for the two of us finished our cookings..hahaha..wrong again..waan do some loundry works with omma...(pe la yg leh diharapkn ngan waan) lalalalalalalalalalala..whatever it is..we are having a lot of fun together..errrrr..except for ziera..huhu.. of course she's also having fun with us..but just during the day..when it comes to bed (i mean when we are get ready to sleep) she's having a difficult time with me.. i cant tolerate with her in bed..on our 1st night at omma's house, she's been sleeping on the floor..of course the three of us sharing the first we are sleeping nicely and comfortably the end..ziera end up sleep on the floor and moves to the livingroom..unni..jeongmal mianhae..(errr..nk wat mcm ane..siang je beauty..mlm jd beast yg cute)lalalalalalalala..the last night was the best..ktorg tgk bola sama2..Malaysia vs Indonesia..waan yg xske tgk bola pon join skali..unbelievable..believe it or not...huhu..rumah 2 mcm nk roboh dgn pekikan n lolongan mereka (including me)..thats make the neighbourhood dogs run away with their heart broken..(da klu jeritan 2 kalahkn diorg..diorg blah r..hehe)..pas2 siapkn jurnal muamalat sama2..esok nk kne anta..mlm 2 bru terkial2 nk buat..ntah pe nk jd ngan diorg 2..lalalalalala..da pon siap..ngantuk tahap gaban while waiting for waan n ziera finished their journal..(omma had left us earlier..she went up to sleep..hampeh..xteman ank2 wat kje..)da xtahan..ambik keputusan g tdo lu..pas kemas ala kadar..tiba la masa 4 beta beradu..niat dihati tdo bhgn tgh n tgglkn ruang kiri n kanan katil 4 waan n skip that part..lalalalalala..the next morning..i woke up earlier than them..and i realize something..ziera is not sleeping on the bed but once again on the floor..huhu..pity you..nk wat mcm ane..hehe..and thats the end..a happy ending story 4 me n waan(i guest) but a pity ending story 4 ziera..spending the nights together with your good pals leave a nice and beautiful memory and also make them know you better..this is what happened in my case..they know the real me at night..I am a beauty and I am a super cute beast..lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I am who I am..

I am who I am... and your opinion is neither desired, nor required..
thats all and shut up... end of story..

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

more expert than the expert

kids nowadays are intelligent. sangat pikap dan cepat tangkap bnda yg diajar.bnda yg xpatot diorg blaja lg la cepat diorg tgkp. They are more.. more.. and more expert than the expert. budak 5 tahun dah pandai mencabul..budak sekolah rendah dah pandai tgk video lucah n wat karangan lucah.. rosak bangsa klu mcm ni.. sape yg ptot dipersalah n dipertanggungjawabkn?? parents?? family members?? friends?? themselves?? society?? or...government?? kita mang slalu tuding jari pd org lain tnpa nk akui kesalahan dri sendri.. mang dr zaman tok kaduk lg da mcm 2.. hentak pale kat dinding then pikir la..

memang positive habis la...

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Putting on make up
Getting a new hair cut
I’ll be born again into a cool woman
More boldly
With a little more confidence
I won’t cry ever again
Wearing pretty heels
Wearing the trendy clothes
I step out onto the street
All the people are looking at me
I don’t hate it
Cause I’m beautiful
I have many days to laugh and be happy
I didn’t realize that
I don’t cry even when I’m lonely
I don’t suffer
I’m gonna live my life
I’ll change for myself
I’ll start all over again from the start
I’m gonna laugh out loud
With cherry-red lipstick and sexy stockings
I’m gonna decorate myself again
A classy woman
A woman with a nice looks
That is me
I still have many days left to laugh
I didn’t realize that yet
I’m gonna live my life, wherever, with confidence
Even though the world tricks me again
I’ll wipe my tears and become bold
So that I can laugh in world’s face
Even though I’m lonely
Even though life can be sad
Doesn’t matter how many times
I’ll step over it again
Even though I fall in front of the world
Doesn’t matter how many times
I’ll just get up once again
I’ll be happy starting today
Tiny things like failure
I’m not scared of it
I’m gonna live a grand life..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

you know that feeling..
when you look at him and think.."wow! i love him but we're just friends..
or maybe when he looks at her, it hurts so much sometimes..
when you're in love with him but he's in love with her..
you love everything about him and he loves everything about her..
you wasted all your wishes on him..
you kept it in for so long..
no one knows how confused you are..
"do you tell him you like him? or do keep it in as usual?"
it's confusing..
"it's complicated" is your answer when someone ask you what's wrong?
when you look at them together..
your eyes fill up with tears..
because you love him..
you love him so much..
and sometimes you just wish he knew..

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

after read this...what do you think???think it by youself and understand it better..

Monday, May 31, 2010

cuti oh cuti

haishhh..cuti adlh waktu yg sering di tunggu2 oleh sume org.xkire la yg tua mahupun yg muda..yg blaja atau yg da kje..yg bujang mahupun yg da beranak pinak..aku pon tergolong r dlm golongan yg ske sgt ngan x ku sgka..cuti ni trok aku kne buli..huhu..cedih2..jd baby sitter..kne bgon pg2..gdoh berebut moto..mcm2 r.bekalan topup pon ssh nk xle nk kompelin byk sgt..coz..aku mkn free kat umah..hehe..ckp je nk mkn pe..confirm dpt..dgn syarat g psr sndri then bli la pe yg nk dibeli..pastu msk la sendri..hehe..aku pon still leh kuar ngan least cti ni wlupon aku kne buli xde la aku wat bnda yg x berpekdah.aku still wat bnda yg mcm manusia bkn bntg..ckp psl nk jd la dunia skang ni.kes buang ank mkn berleluasa..klu takat buang je..xpe la siap bunuh lak 2.tanam baby..2 la senggonok sgt wat maksiat..bnda 2 mang la best, pikir la..klu da ada isi dlm prot 2 mula la nk menggelabah.wat malu mak bpk n agama je..hurrmmm..klu kte tgk..dlm klgn bntg xde manusia tp dlm klgn manusia ada bntg..xpaham aku..minta jauh la sume bnda ni dr jd kat aku or adk2 aku..ckop la 2 org yg aku knl da pon slamat melahirkn bayi yg xberdosa pon..ingin ditegaskn skali lg disini bhwa AKU DIBULI!!!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

realiti kehidupan..

lps bce yg kat ats 2,pe yg korg pikir??errmmm..klu aku..aku akn kte yg org 2 sgt positif.huhu.positive on her own way..kdg2 aku leh jd gtu..kdg2 je slalunye aku akn jd yg mcm ni : aku..dlm dunia ni xleh jd baik sgt n xleh jht sgt..kne seimbang r.klu baik sgt t org amek kesempatan.klu jht sgt pon xjd gak..biasa r dlm setiap individu ada 2 personality.jgn smpi ada personality disorder da la..mslh plak klu yg 2..apapun aku jenis yg mcm ni;
lalalalalalalalala..sbb 2 la pndpt aku ttg lelaki len sket..aku ase lelaki mcm ni;

ha3..ada sbb npe aku ase laki mcm bank r..klu xde duit,mcm ane nk sara ank bini??xyah g jauh r..klu xde duit,ada ke org nak??mcm ane nk kuar date..??plg x pon kne r blanja awek minum,mkn ABC ke..2 blom lg dpt awek yg ske shopping..laki kne r jd mcm 2 especially klu dpt girl yg berfikiran mcm ni;

lalalalalalalalala..aku ckp berdsrkn realiti kehidupan bkn fantasi mcm dlm cter korea 2 or dlm cte me MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING BUT THE ONLY ONE!!zmn skang xde yg free..msok tnds pon kne lak klu nk wat one night stand..ehem..yg 2 lg la..lalalalalala

Saturday, April 24, 2010

siapa tau apa itu hops?

masih ingtkah anda ps kes Bannerman v White??kn kes ni psl jual bli hop.bce r sndri kes 2 ekh..aku bkn nk cte psl kes nk cte psl hop la gmbr hop.

hops atau nme sbnrnye Humulus Lupulus used primarily as flavouring and stability agent in brewing of beer.sejenis pokok yg memanjat/menjalar.pemes dlm pembuatan beer n digunakan gak dlm bidang perubatan coz hops ni mengandungi antibiotik.1 family ngan cannabis..
gud luck 4 contract..lalalalala

korg agk 2 gmbr pe??adakah sejenis tumbuhan??alga??rumpai laut??coral??atau apa??klu aku la..aku akn kte 2 sejenis coral..xpon rumpai sbnrnye..2 bkn rumpai laut,coral ataupun tumbuhan..itu merupakan seekor binatang..namanye ialah Leafy Seadragons atau nme saintifiknye Phycodurus Eques..penemuan terbaru kot(bg aku la..kat australia lama da ada.siap dilindungi oleh kerajaan australia sltn since thn 1982)..ingtkn kuda laut je yg ada..nmpk mcm seaweed kn??dia mang resemble seaweed pon.suka sgt terapung kat air yg pnoh ngan seaweed..penyamaran yg berkesan.mcm seahorse,yg jntn akn jge telur smpi menetas..bgos2..I like..huhu.bntg ni unik gle coz dia xde gigi n dia mkn gne satu bhgn khas yg dipggl mysidopsis shrimp.kat australia bntg ni dikenali sbg australian seahorse..Indahnye ciptaan Tuhan..subhanallah..

graduation song-vitamin c

and so we talked all night about the rest of our lives,
where we're gonna be when we turn 25,
I keep thinking times will never change,
keep on thinking things will always be the same,
but when we leave this year we won't be coming back,
no more hanging out cause we're on different track,
and if you got something that you need to say,
you better say it right now cause you don't have another day,
cause we're moving on and we can't slow down,
our memories are playing like a film without sound,
and I keep thinking of the night in June,
I didn't know much of love,but it came too soon,
and there was me and you,and then it got real blue,
stay at home talkin' on the telephone and,
we would get so excited,then we'd get so scared,
laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair,
and this is how it feels,
* as we go on,we remember,
all the times we had together,
and as our lives change,come whatever,
we will still be friends forever,
so if we get the big jobs and we make the big money,
when we look back now,will that joke still be funny?
will we still remember everything we learned in school?
still trying to break every single rule,
will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
can Heather find a job that won't intefere with her tan?
I keep,I keep thinking that it's not goodbye,
keep on thinking it's a time to fly,
and this is how it feels,
* as we go on,we remember,
all the times we had together,
and as our lives change,come whatever,
we will still be friends forever,
will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?,
can we survive it out there?can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end,
and suddenly it's like we're women and men,
will the past be a shadow that will follow us round?
will these memories fade whwn I leave this town?
I keep,I keep thinking that it's not goodbye,
keep on thinking it's time to fly...

Friday, April 23, 2010

katak,doll atau apa??

lps tgk gmbr ni,pe yg ada dlm fikiran korg???mesti korg tertanya2..
'mcm katak..'
'mcm doll adk aku pon ye gak...'
'bntg ke hape ni??'
'ni gmbr btol ke photoshop je??'
2 la antara persoaln yg timbul dlm benak korg kn??aku pon ingt mcm 2 gak mulanya.. bnda ni btol la..gmbr sejenis bntg.n mang wujud pon..nme encik comel diatas ialah Axolotl or ajolote atau nme saintifiknye Ambystoma Mexicanum..bntg ni lbh dikenali sbg mexican neotonic mole salamanders yg tergolong dlm keluarga Tiger Salamander.bntg aku je yg bru tau..rmi yg bela bntg ni.jdkn pet..aku pon nk try bela r..mcm comel je..mcm doll adk aku kat umah..agk2 mak aku bg x????hmmmm..2 la persoalan utama..

katak oh katak..

selalunya klu ada yg tanya, 'awak suka binatang apa?' jwpnnya adlh bntg2 yg comel n xbpe nk pelik mcm kucing,arnab,hamster,ikn ble soklan 2 diajukn kat aku,mesti org terdiam pas dgr jwpnnye..

'sut,pe bntg feberet ko?'
'katak' (dgn pnoh pasaan bgga)
2 la yg slalunye berlaku.katak comel what...oh keroppi ku..hehe..well,klu korg nk tau katak ni sejenis haiwan amfibia dlm susunan Anura(bermksd 'x berekor'-dr bhsa greek;an-tnpa n oura-ekor).dulu katak ni dipggl Salientia(bhsa latin;saltare-melompat).katak boleh ditemui di kwsn tropika hinggalah kwsn subartik tp kebykn spesies katak leh ditemui dikwsn hutan hujan tropika.katak merupakan kumpln vertebrata yg plg byk spesies iaitu lbh 5000 populasi katak tertentu mkn merosot.katak ni xsama ngan kodok.katak cntk n comel tp kodok huduh.errrrr..cekodok xtermsok dlm spesies kodok ni ye..mesti pelik kn??npe la aku cte psl katak..jwpnnya adlh sbb aku suka katak n ni blog aku..aku punya suka la nk wat cter psl pe pon..kan??kan??kan??sbnrnya aku nk kongsi psl penternakan katak..spe kata katak ni xguna??byk kot gunanya..leh wat duit..klu ada duit,leh r bli n wat pe je..$$$$..lalalala. skang ni da ada org yg uruskn ladang katak scra komersial..masyuk gle seyh..nk ternak katak ni senang je..xssh ada tipsnye..
spesies katak yg leh dipelihara scra komersil adlh dr spesies American Bull Frog n katak bertompok (Tiger Frog). American Bull Frog ni leh dipelihara dlm kolam atau takungan simen dgn paras air yg rndh-paras max smpi leher katak 2. Tiger Frog lak perlu dipelihara dlm kolam yg diwat dr tanah n bertebing.paras airnya xleh cetek n kne dlm sket supaya katak 2 leh menyelam.
Tempoh Hayat Pemeliharaan:

-telur katak amek masa 1 hari utk transform jd berudu.
-berudu lak amek masa 2-3 bln 4 transform jd katak (depend pd pemknn n pengurusn)
-ank katak amek masa 4-5 bln b4
leh dipasarkn iaitu bla da cpi berat 250g sekor.
-j/masa pemeliharaan 8 bln.
bole la cuba ternak katak time cti sem ni..t ble da msok u blk,suh adk2 kat umah jgekn..lalalala
bkn 2 je..ada lg yg aku nk kongsi psl katak n
i.kat dunia ni ada 10 katak yg pelik..wat masa skang r 10.xtau r pasni klu biologist ada jumpa lg.

Katak Pelangi Malagasy adlh katak yg tggl di hutan kering berbatu Madagascar's Isalo Massif,di mana ia berkmbg biak di kolam cetek yg terbntk scr
a sementara mcm lopak air yg terdpt kat kwsn lembh.katak ni leh mendaki berbatu2 jauhnya even scara vertikal.katak ni akn kembgkn bdnnya klu dia rse terancam.

2.KATAK TRANSPARENT Hyalinobatrachium Pellucidum juga dikenali sbg katak kaca atau kristal coz bdnnya yg transparent smpikn kte leh tgk organ dlmnnya.spesies katak ni bknlah yg terbru.da lme ada pon tp diancam kepupusan.slalunya katak ni digunakn oleh biologist n pengkaji katak 4 kaji cara pemakanan,orgn dlmn n mcm2 lg la.

3.KATAK ATELOPUS juga dikenali sbg katak badut atau Costa Rica Variable Harlequin Toad yg merupakan katak jenis neo-tropis yg dulunya byk didapati di Costa Rica n Panama.katak ni diancam kepupusan n skang hanya leh ditemui dgn blngn yg sedikit di kwsn Panama.

katak ni ditemui di Pergunungan Andes,Selatan Peru dgn ketinggian antara 9.925-10.466 kaki dr ats permukaan laut.

katak Goliath atau Conraua Goliath merupakn spesies katak yg terbsr yg msh wujud di muka bumi ini dgn pnjg 13 inci (33 cm) n berat shgga mencpi 8 lb (3kg).habitatnya adlh di Sungai Bedito,Cameroon, Afrika B
arat.katak ini boleh hidup shgga 15 thn.mknn feberet katak ni ialah scorpion,serangga n katak kecik .

digelar katak mantel merah coz memiliki mantel merah di permukaan bdnnya.katak ni kecik je dgn pnjg 2.5cm.merupakan katak darat asli Madagascar.

katak ni cantik gle..dgn wrna biru firusnya..mang mengancam habis r.nyawa pon leh terancam coz katak ni la yg dikatakn nice 2 c,not nice 2 hold.katak ni dr keluarga Dendrobatidae yg mang terkenal ngan ke'beracun'an nya.berasal dr Amerika Tengah n Selatan.katak spesies ni aktif pd wktu siang n sgt menarik perhatian dgn wrnanya yg terang 2.peribumi Indi
an kat Amerika pggl katak ni katak panah coz diorg guna racun katak ni kat ank pnh diorg.

boleh ditemui di Uruguay,Brazil n ArgentinaUtara.katak ni kelihatan mcm bantal yg xbergerak tp sekali dia bergerak,mgsanya xkn smpt mengucap pon.katak ni leh bergerak dgn pnts.jgn ingt besar mcm ni xlarat..2 hanya falasi je..katak ni buktinye..

katak ni dikatakn da mengalami kepupusan.katak ni pelik sket coz yg jge telur smpi menetas bkn katak betina tp katak la yg dikatakn fair n square.yg betina da penat2 bertelur,skang glrn yg jntn plak jaga.jg
n tau nk wat telur je..lalalalala.katak ni suka duduk kat lantai hutan.nyorok kat bwh timbunan n helaian daun.

Theloderma Corticale atau nme glamournye katak berlumut vietnam adlh spesies katak dr keluarga Rhacophoridae.katak ni ditemui di Vietnam n ada yg kte terdpt gak kat China.habitatnya adlh dikwsn subtropik atau hutan dataran rndh tropika yg lmbp.hidup di kwsn air tawar n kwsn berbatu.digelar sbg katak berlumut coz bntk n wrna bdnnya yg menyerupai lumut.peny
amaran yg sgt bgos.

rmi yg geli ngan katak especially pompuan..sebut je katak..t ada la respon mcm ni;
'eiiii..katak???geli la..eeeee'
xpon,mcm ni;
'apa??katak???da xde bntg lain ke??'
gedik je 2 la hakikat nmenye..katak pemes pe..byk kuar kat tv tau..muka org yg gli 2 blom tentu dpt msok tv tau..xcye??fine!!!buktinya..tgk dlm anime naruto.naruto slalu gne teknik kuchiyose (teknik penyeruan haiwan) 4 pggl Gamabunta(tp yg kuar slalunye Gamakichi xpon Gamatatsu)-mereka ni merupakan katak ye. lg...watak keroppi yg pemes n cute 2 kn katak..lg..lgu crazy frog yg pemes di suatu ketika dahulu..lg..katak pon ada dlm cte dongeng barat-Putera Katak..alaaa..yg cium katak pas2 katak 2 bertukar jd putera raja yg hensem..lalalala..pas2 ada la plak movie Princess n the frog..byk la lg..pemes kn katak 2..huhu
Akhir kata,majulah hijau utk katak..l

Sunday, April 18, 2010

dear my bloved bestfriends..

the answer to the above question is YES!!DEFINITELY YES!!!!!

new beginner..

welll..i'm a new beginner..
sbnrnye rmi kengkwn yg da ada blog n ajk wat..
2 la..
bz n afraid didnt got time 2 write..
at 1st,rase mcm xbest je wat blog..
tp ntah npe skang ubh fikiran lak..
people always change..huhu
it seems alike with a diary..
in a modern way of course..
i'm not the one who kept a diary..
dont have a discipline i think..ha3
nape tetibe tukar fkrn nk wat blog???
my bestfriends must be wondering..huhu
because of them i change my mind.
td tgk gmbr time dolu2 smbl dgr lgu graduation song..
lantas terimbau kenangan silam..
suka dan duka yg kami tempuhi bersama..
peristiwa pahit n manis yg dilalui bersama..
i miss them so much..
though we keep in touch through mails n calls..
its not like having them by my side..
tp 2 la..
nk wat mcm ane..
hidup perlu diteruskn..ha3
masing2 da bawa haluan sendri..
cuba menggapai impian utk menjd insan yg berjaya..
my bestfren is not only one but i got plenty of them..
let see what they are doing right now..
SITI NUR ATHIKA RUSTAM-skang tgh blaja 2 b a good nurse..
aku xsgka kwn aku yg sorg ni akn jd nurse..
dgn gayanya,perwatakannya..klu korg tgk..
mang korg akn kte,"mati la pesakit dia.."
hahahaha(evil laugh)
NOR SYAIRA ROSLAND-skang kat uitm..
amek cos ..errrr..xingt..pnjg sgt..kui3
JAMILAH ZULKAFLI-kat UKM(1 u ngan aku)..
Jeem amek cos geografi..mang ank didik YM King ni..ha3
dia ni lak amek cos pengurusan manusia..
ank didik cg.ApaDia la katakn..wakaka
terurus la sgt manusia 2 ye Wied..hik2
skang kat UPSI..haisshhh..rosak la ank bgsa klu dia ajr..hua3
NUR IZZAH MD FUAD-minah blurr ni 1 tmpt ngan Fana..
kat UPSI gak..
p/s:aku xkn anta ank aku g skolah tmpt diaorg ngajar..hehe
becoz of i'm a new blogger,
i just wanna say, "sonok gak ekh tulis kat blog..agagaga"