Tuesday, February 25, 2014

You said...

You said that I make you so angry and mad for no reason.
You said that you’re serious but I’m the one who turn you into a loser.
In the end, you pick fights with me.
You asked me why you cared so much about me.
You said that I’m making a big boy act like a little kid.
You said that you’ll turn things around; from just knowing each other to becoming lovers.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The new me...

The pain spreads all over my body like a poison.
Well this is more than enough.
This time I let you go first.
If you meet someone better than me, then that’s it.
You may go.
I don’t wanna be a victim anymore.
No I refused to be treated unfairly by you.
Did you think I’d always be pacing back and forth?
I’m sorry but I hope we’ll never see each other again.
I don’t think you know but I’m sleeping quite well these days.
The me right now is different from the me that you used to know.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Our book of memories...

The me who didn’t know how to be thankful for love.
The me who thought that the end was the end.
To the image of you who wanted me to be, I fixed myself everyday.
I think my love will continue on forever.
Stopping the time, I go back to you.
I open this book of memories and I open up your page.
And in the book I’m in there, in there with you; the special things that I met that winter.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

How I feel...

The after-hours of nighttime that always comes has become my companion.
It comes to me in case I get lonely from being alone.
When the sun sets, tears welled up without any reason.
Suddenly thinking of how I got dumped by a past lover.
How I held back tears as I looked at the night sky.
How I swallowed my tears, not being able to cry like a fool.
How I pretend to be so strong in front of you.
Now I feel empty.
This place without you feels as if has stopped in time.
Don’t go too far away, stay where you are.
Please wait for me.
I’m going crazy, being alone here during the wee hours of night.
The mug you worked so hard to make for me has shattered.
A piece of it got stuck in my hand and I’m bleeding but why am I blaming you?
I’m confused.
It was hard enough to walk on my own.
I’m angry with myself but at the certain point I got mad at you.
Without I realize, the morning sun that always comes also has become my companion.
It shines on me when I cry to console me.
I want to go back to the days before I met you.
I want to go back to when I was young.
I want to back to when everything was happy.
How I wish to have the power to change everything.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

I will...

If you ever feel that you’re falling, reach me.
I will never let go of your hand.
I will hold you tight.
I will never let you down.
You are not alone.
If you want someone to talk to, call me.
I will lend you my ear.
I will be a good listener.
I will listen to everything you say.
I might not be able to help you but I will share your burden.
I will lend you my shoulder to cry on.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's a beautiful life...

I wanted to have a completely unexpected encounter that I would never think about.
Someday, I want to meet someone who would keep me awake from midnight to the crack of dawn.
A friend who will listen to what I have to say.
But all of that are my aspirations that cannot be accomplished.
I’ve started to hate myself.
For a long time, I’ve hated myself.
I’ve hated myself for crying without any reason.
My heart was inhabited, not even by a soft gust of wind.
I erased the contents of it, while not knowing who the new occupier would be.
I don’t know about everything.
I’m just doing the things that I’m good with.
Not being held by anyone.
Not being defended.
I’m looking at the stars now.
It’s a bad world.
Have you tried saying a farewell?
I’ve been praying as I painfully watched you.
I was trying only to comfort myself.
The world is not all that beautiful.
I’m aware of the fact that life makes us pick choices.
The choices full of mystery from the Pandora box.
Then I need to make a choice right now-a right choice.
I trust my own choice which is the choice of joy.
I choose to be happy.
From now on I wish everything is beautiful and fun.
I’m thankful to myself for surviving through pain.
I wanna have a beautiful life.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

They say...

They say that I’m always brightly smiling.
They say that I don’t know such a thing as pain.
But my heart is crying and no one knows.
Ohhh… Now I realize something.
I say it while smiling brightly.
But the truth is I’m covered by a dark shadow.
I hate myself for being like that but I believe my sad heart will smile someday.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Someday everything will make perfect sense...

The morning sun that always comes is my companion.
It shines on me in case I get lonely from being alone.
When the sun rises, the birds fly to the sky.
Sometimes, even the birds have no choice but to fly.
Sometimes, I don’t even know what I’m saying.
But someone somewhere will know my heart.
I gotta get up and stand up now.
Life must go on.
There’s no use to live in grieve.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dedicated to YOU...

To my dearest bestfriend (a real friend who always stay by my side not only when I’m happy but also when I’m helpless and hopeless during the difficult time…),
I know you already know the fact that it’s a cold and mean world out there.
Sometimes you’ll feel as if nobody cares.
You feel down.
You feel hopeless.
Till at the certain point, you’ll ask yourself; “Can somebody save me now? Can I save my own self?”
But dear friend,
Though it’s hard, you gotta get up.
Don’t give up now.

Even the dark night sky will be replaced by the bright sun.
This hardest time of yours will surely passed.