Sunday, February 27, 2011


people always say:
learn to trust somebody else..
this is what I say:
once you learn to trust somebody, it means you'll end up trusting nobody..
people tend to say that I'm sarcastic..
that's me..
do you have a problem with it??
go ahead and hate me..
like I would care..

This is my youth and beauty secret:

please stop acting like a bitch..
stop badmouthing people like you are the only one in this world who are nice and kind like an angel..
don't you dare to think that you are the one who always right..
your word is not a rule anyway..

my advice to you:
 since to me:

I am that kind of person..
sorry for not being stupid person who always follow you around saying that you are always right..
I have my own opinion and I dare to speak it out..

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