i've been spending my precious 2 days and 1 night at omma's house together with my stepsisters..lalalalalalalala..just kidding..(mampus aku kne pasni)..anyway..we had spent a
good time together eventhough omma make us her slave..lalalalalalalala..ziera n I cooks 4 all of us..while waan just sit comfortably waiting for the two of us finished our cookings..hahaha..wrong again..waan do some loundry works with omma...(pe la yg leh diharapkn ngan waan) lalalalalalalalalalala..whatever it is..we are having a lot of fun together..errrrr..except for ziera..huhu.. of course she's also having fun with us..but just during the day..when it comes to bed (i mean when we are get ready to sleep) she's having a difficult time with me.. i cant tolerate with her in bed..on our 1st night at omma's house, she's been sleeping on the floor..of course the three of us sharing the bed..at first we are sleeping nicely and comfortably together..in the end..ziera end up sleep on the floor and moves to the livingroom..unni..jeongmal mianhae..(errr..nk wat mcm ane..siang je beauty..mlm jd beast..tp beast yg cute)lalalalalalalala..the last night was the best..ktorg tgk bola sama2..Malaysia vs Indonesia..waan yg xske tgk bola pon join skali..unbelievable..believe it or not...huhu..rumah 2 mcm nk roboh dgn pekikan n lolongan mereka (including me)..thats make the neighbourhood dogs run away with their heart broken..(da klu jeritan 2 kalahkn diorg..diorg blah r..hehe)..pas2 siapkn jurnal muamalat sama2..esok nk kne anta..mlm 2 bru terkial2 nk buat..ntah pe nk jd ngan diorg 2..lalalalalala..da pon siap..ngantuk tahap gaban while waiting for waan n ziera finished their journal..(omma had left us earlier..she went up to sleep..hampeh..xteman ank2 wat kje..)da xtahan..ambik keputusan g tdo lu..pas kemas ala kadar..tiba la masa 4 beta beradu..niat dihati tdo bhgn tgh n tgglkn ruang kiri n kanan katil 4 waan n ziera..tp......errrrr..just skip that part..lalalalalala..the next morning..i woke up earlier than them..and i realize something..ziera is not sleeping on the bed but once again on the floor..huhu..pity you..nk wat mcm ane..hehe..and thats the end..a happy ending story 4 me n waan(i guest) but a pity ending story 4 ziera..spending the nights together with your good pals leave a nice and beautiful memory and also make them know you better..this is what happened in my case..they know the real me at night..I am a beauty and I am a super cute beast..lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
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segannyeeeeeeeeeeee......huhuhu |