Life is full with surprises.
There’s a lot of uncertainty too.
It’s we ourselves who responsible for our own life.
Whether we want to be happy or live in a misery.
I choose to be happy and enjoy my sweet short life.
Instead of grieving when the dark times comes, I choose to be
I choose not to show any of my weaknesses.
I choose to be strong just like a seaweed and coral in the sea.
Whenever the turbulence comes, it will still be in the ocean almightily.
There’s one song which describing life as I did:
~Memories by Yoon Mi Rae~
“If I fall two times, I come back on my third.
I won’t give up and that’s my word.
If I fall five times, I come back harder on my sixth.
Knock me down again, I still won’t give up.
If I’m knocked seven times, I come back on my eight.”
To put it in a nutshell, just delete the word ‘give up’ in your
As long as you are alive, the battle wouldn’t come to an end.